Package 'stochvol'

Title: Efficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV) Models
Description: Efficient algorithms for fully Bayesian estimation of stochastic volatility (SV) models with and without asymmetry (leverage) via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Methodological details are given in Kastner and Frühwirth-Schnatter (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.01.002> and Hosszejni and Kastner (2019) <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30611-3_8>; the most common use cases are described in Hosszejni and Kastner (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i12> and Kastner (2016) <doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i05> and the package examples.
Authors: Darjus Hosszejni [aut, cre] , Gregor Kastner [aut]
Maintainer: Darjus Hosszejni <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 3.2.5
Built: 2025-02-25 03:46:26 UTC

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Efficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV) Models


This package provides an efficient algorithm for fully Bayesian estimation of stochastic volatility (SV) models via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Methodological details are given in Kastner and Frühwirth-Schnatter (2014); the most common use cases are described in Kastner (2016). Recently, the package has been extended to allow for the leverage effect.


Bayesian inference for stochastic volatility models using MCMC methods highly depends on actual parameter values in terms of sampling efficiency. While draws from the posterior utilizing the standard centered parameterization break down when the volatility of volatility parameter in the latent state equation is small, non-centered versions of the model show deficiencies for highly persistent latent variable series. The novel approach of ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving (Yu and Meng, 2011) has recently been shown to aid in overcoming these issues for a broad class of multilevel models. This package provides software for “combining best of different worlds” which allows for inference for parameter constellations that have previously been infeasible to estimate without the need to select a particular parameterization beforehand.


This package is currently in active development. Your comments, suggestions and requests are warmly welcome!


Gregor Kastner [email protected], Darjus Hosszejni [email protected]


Kastner, G. and Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. (2014). Ancillarity-Sufficiency Interweaving Strategy (ASIS) for Boosting MCMC Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 76, 408–423, doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.01.002.

Kastner, G. (2016). Dealing with Stochastic Volatility in Time Series Using the R Package stochvol. Journal of Statistical Software, 69(5), 1–30, doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i05.

Yu, Y. and Meng, X.-L. (2011). To Center or Not to Center: That is Not the Question—An Ancillarity-Suffiency Interweaving Strategy (ASIS) for Boosting MCMC Efficiency. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(3), 531–570, doi:10.1198/jcgs.2011.203main.

See Also

Useful links:


## Simulate a highly persistent SV process 
sim <- svsim(500, mu = -10, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.2)
## Obtain 4000 draws from the sampler (that's too few!)
draws <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 4000, burnin = 100, priormu = c(-10, 1),
                 priorphi = c(20, 1.2), priorsigma = 0.2)
## Predict 20 days ahead
fore <- predict(draws, 20)
## plot the results
plot(draws, forecast = fore)
## Not run: 
## Simulate an SV process with leverage
sim <- svsim(500, mu = -10, phi = 0.95, sigma = 0.2, rho=-0.5)
## Obtain 8000 draws from the sampler (that's too little!)
draws <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 4000, burnin = 3000, priormu = c(-10, 1),
                  priorphi = c(20, 1.2), priorsigma = 0.2,
                  priorrho = c(1, 1))
## Predict 20 days ahead
fore <- predict(draws, 20)
## plot the results
plot(draws, forecast = fore)

## End(Not run)

Euro exchange rate data


The data set contains the daily bilateral prices of one Euro in 23 currencies from January 3, 2000, until April 4, 2012. Conversions to New Turkish Lira and Fourth Romanian Leu have been incorporated.


ECB Statistical Data Warehouse (

See Also



## Not run: 
dat <- logret(exrates$USD, demean = TRUE)  ## de-meaned log-returns
res <- svsample(dat)                       ## run MCMC sampler
plot(res, forecast = 100)                  ## display results

## End(Not run)

Common Extractors for 'svdraws' and 'svpredict' Objects


Some simple extractors returning the corresponding element of an svdraws and svpredict object.


para(x, chain = "concatenated")

latent0(x, chain = "concatenated")

latent(x, chain = "concatenated")

vola(x, chain = "concatenated")

svbeta(x, chain = "concatenated")

svtau(x, chain = "concatenated")





predy(y, chain = "concatenated")

predlatent(y, chain = "concatenated")

predvola(y, chain = "concatenated")



svdraws object.


optional either a positive integer or the string "concatenated" (default) or the string "all".


svpredict object.


The return value depends on the actual funtion.

para(x, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the parameter draws.

latent(x, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the latent contemporaneous log-volatility draws.

latent0(x, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the latent initial log-volatility draws.

svbeta(x, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the linear regression coefficient draws.

svtau(x, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the tau draws.

vola(x, chain = "concatenated")

extracts standard deviation draws.


extracts the prior parameters used and returns them in a prior_spec object as generated by specify_priors.


extracts the thinning parameters used and returns them in a list.


extracts the runtime and returns it as a proc_time object.


returns the names of time independent model parameters that were actually sampled by svsample.

predlatent(y, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the predicted latent contemporaneous log-volatility draws.

predvola(y, chain = "concatenated")

extracts predicted standard deviation draws.

predy(y, chain = "concatenated")

extracts the predicted observation draws.

Functions that have input parameter chain return an mcmc.list object if chain=="all" and return an mcmc object otherwise. If chain is an integer, then the specified chain is selected from all chains. If chain is "concatenated", then all chains are merged into one mcmc object.

See Also

specify_priors, svsample, predict.svdraws


# Simulate data
sim <- svsim(150)

# Draw from vanilla SV
draws <- svsample(sim, draws = 2000)

## Summarize all estimated parameter draws as a merged mcmc object
summary(para(draws)[, sampled_parameters(draws)])
## Extract the draws as an mcmc.list object
params <- para(draws, chain = "all")[, sampled_parameters(draws)]

options(max.print = 100)
## Further short examples

# Draw 3 independent chains from heavy-tailed and asymmetric SV with AR(2) structure
draws <- svsample(sim, draws = 20000, burnin = 3000,
                  designmatrix = "ar2",
                  priornu = 0.1, priorrho = c(4, 4),
                  n_chains = 3)

## Extract beta draws from the second chain
svbeta(draws, chain = 2)
## ... tau draws from all chains merged/concatenated together
## Create a new svdraws object from the first and third chain
second_chain_excluded <- draws[c(1, 3)]

# Draw from the predictive distribution
pred <- predict(draws, steps = 2)

## Extract the predicted observations as an mcmc.list object
predicted_y <- predy(pred, chain = "all")
## ... the predicted standard deviations from the second chain
predicted_sd <- predvola(pred, chain = 2)
## Create a new svpredict object from the first and third chain
second_chain_excluded <- pred[c(1, 3)]

Default Values for the Expert Settings


These functions define meaningful expert settings for argument expert of svsample and its derivatives. The result of get_default_fast_sv should be provided as expert$fast_sv and get_default_general_sv as expert$general_sv when relevant.







a priorspec object created by specify_priors


An object of class list of length 11.


default_fast_sv is deprecated.

See Also

svsample, specify_priors, svsample_roll, svsample_fast_cpp, svsample_general_cpp

Computes the Log Returns of a Time Series


logret computes the log returns of a time series, with optional de-meaning and/or standardization.


logret(dat, demean = FALSE, standardize = FALSE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
logret(dat, demean = FALSE, standardize = FALSE, ...)



The raw data.


Logical value indicating whether the data should be de-meaned.


Logical value indicating whether the data should be standardized (in the sense that each component series has an empirical variance equal to one).




Log returns of the (de-meaned / standardized) data.

Methods (by class)

  • logret(default): Log returns of vectors

Probability Density Function Plot for the Parameter Posteriors


Displays a plot of the density estimate for the posterior distribution of the parameters mu, phi, sigma (and potentially nu or rho), computed by the density function.


  showobs = TRUE,
  showprior = TRUE,
  showxlab = TRUE,
  mar = c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5),
  mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0),
  simobj = NULL,



svdraws object.


logical value, indicating whether the observations should be displayed along the x-axis. If many draws have been obtained, the default (TRUE) can render the plotting to be quite slow, and you might want to try setting showobs to FALSE.


logical value, indicating whether the prior distribution should be displayed. The default value is TRUE.


logical value, indicating whether the x-axis should be labelled with the number of iterations and the bandwith obtained from density. The default value is TRUE.


numerical vector of length 4, indicating the plot margins. See par for details. The default value is c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


numerical vector of length 3, indicating the axis and label positions. See par for details. The default value is c(2, 0.6, 0), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


object of class svsim as returned by the SV simulation function svsim. If provided, “true” data generating values will be added to the plots.


further arguments are passed on to the invoked plot function.


paradensplot is modeled after densplot in the coda package, with some modifications for parameters that have (half-)bounded support.


Called for its side effects. Returns argument x invisibly.


You can call this function directly, but it is more commonly called by the plot.svdraws method.

See Also

Other plotting: paratraceplot(), paratraceplot.svdraws(), plot.svdraws(), plot.svpredict(), volplot()

Trace Plot of MCMC Draws from the Parameter Posteriors


Generic function for plotting iterations vs. sampled parameter values. A detailed help for the method implemented in stochvol can be found in paratraceplot.svdraws.


paratraceplot(x, ...)



An object used to select a method.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Called for its side effects. Returns argument x invisibly.

See Also

Other plotting: paradensplot(), paratraceplot.svdraws(), plot.svdraws(), plot.svpredict(), volplot()

Trace Plot of MCMC Draws from the Parameter Posteriors


Displays a plot of iterations vs. sampled values the parameters mu, phi, sigma (and potentially nu or rho), with a separate plot per variable.


## S3 method for class 'svdraws'
  mar = c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5),
  mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0),
  simobj = NULL,



svdraws object.


numerical vector of length 4, indicating the plot margins. See par for details. The default value is c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


numerical vector of length 3, indicating the axis and label positions. See par for details. The default value is c(2, 0.6, 0), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


object of class svsim as returned by the SV simulation function svsim. If provided, “true” data generating values will be added to the plots.


further arguments are passed on to the invoked matplot function.


paratraceplot is modeled after traceplot in the coda package, with very minor modifications.


Called for its side effects. Returns argument x invisibly.


You can call this function directly, but it is more commonly called by the plot.svdraws method.

See Also

Other plotting: paradensplot(), paratraceplot(), plot.svdraws(), plot.svpredict(), volplot()

Graphical Summary of the Posterior Distribution


plot.svdraws and plot.svldraws generate some plots visualizing the posterior distribution and can also be used to display predictive distributions of future volatilities.


## S3 method for class 'svdraws'
  forecast = NULL,
  dates = NULL,
  show0 = FALSE,
  showobs = TRUE,
  showprior = TRUE,
  forecastlty = NULL,
  tcl = -0.4,
  mar = c(1.9, 1.9, 1.7, 0.5),
  mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0),
  simobj = NULL,
  newdata = NULL,



svdraws object.


nonnegative integer or object of class svpredict, as returned by predict.svdraws. If an integer greater than 0 is provided, predict.svdraws is invoked to obtain the forecast-step-ahead prediction. The default value is 0.


vector of length ncol(x$latent), providing optional dates for labelling the x-axis. The default value is NULL; in this case, the axis will be labelled with numbers.


logical value, indicating whether the initial volatility exp(h_0/2) should be displayed. The default value is FALSE. Only available for inputs x of class svdraws.


logical value, indicating whether the observations should be displayed along the x-axis. If many draws have been obtained, the default (TRUE) can render the plotting to be quite slow, and you might want to try setting showobs to FALSE.


logical value, indicating whether the prior distribution should be displayed. The default value is TRUE.


vector of line type values (see par) used for plotting quantiles of predictive distributions. The default value NULL results in dashed lines.


The length of tick marks as a fraction of the height of a line of text. See par for details. The default value is -0.4, which results in slightly shorter tick marks than usual.


numerical vector of length 4, indicating the plot margins. See par for details. The default value is c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


numerical vector of length 3, indicating the axis and label positions. See par for details. The default value is c(2, 0.6, 0), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


object of class svsim as returned by the SV simulation function svsim. If provided, the “true” data generating values will be added to the plots.


corresponds to parameter newdata in predict.svdraws. Only if forecast is a positive integer and predict.svdraws needs a newdata object. Corresponds to input parameter designmatrix in svsample. A matrix of regressors with number of rows equal to parameter forecast.


further arguments are passed on to the invoked plotting functions.


These functions set up the page layout and call volplot, paratraceplot and paradensplot.


Called for its side effects. Returns argument x invisibly.


In case you want different quantiles to be plotted, use updatesummary on the svdraws object first. An example of doing so is given in the Examples section.


Gregor Kastner [email protected]

See Also

updatesummary, predict.svdraws

Other plotting: paradensplot(), paratraceplot(), paratraceplot.svdraws(), plot.svpredict(), volplot()


## Simulate a short and highly persistent SV process
sim <- svsim(100, mu = -10, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.2)

## Obtain 5000 draws from the sampler (that's not a lot)
draws <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 5000, burnin = 1000,
  priormu = c(-10, 1), priorphi = c(20, 1.5), priorsigma = 0.2)

## Plot the latent volatilities and some forecasts
plot(draws, forecast = 10)

## Re-plot with different quantiles
newquants <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99)
draws <- updatesummary(draws, quantiles = newquants)

plot(draws, forecast = 20, showobs = FALSE,
     forecastlty = 3, showprior = FALSE)

Graphical Summary of the Posterior Predictive Distribution


plot.svpredict and plot.svlpredict generate some plots visualizing the posterior predictive distribution of future volatilites and future observations.


## S3 method for class 'svpredict'
plot(x, quantiles = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), ...)



svpredict or svlpredict object.


Which quantiles to plot? Defaults to c(.05, .25, .5, .75, .95).


further arguments are passed on to the invoked ts.plot or boxplot function.


Called for its side effects. Returns argument x invisibly.


Note that svpredict or svlpredict objects can also be used within plot.svdraws for a possibly more useful visualization. See the examples in predict.svdraws and those below for use cases.

See Also

Other plotting: paradensplot(), paratraceplot(), paratraceplot.svdraws(), plot.svdraws(), volplot()

Other plotting: paradensplot(), paratraceplot(), paratraceplot.svdraws(), plot.svdraws(), volplot()


## Simulate a short and highly persistent SV process
sim <- svsim(100, mu = -10, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.1)

## Obtain 5000 draws from the sampler (that's not a lot)
draws <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 5000, burnin = 1000)

## Predict 10 steps ahead
pred <- predict(draws, 10)

## Visualize the predicted distributions

## Plot the latent volatilities and some forecasts
plot(draws, forecast = pred)

Prediction of Future Returns and Log-Volatilities


Simulates draws from the predictive density of the returns and the latent log-volatility process. The same mean model is used for prediction as was used for fitting, which is either a) no mean parameter, b) constant mean, c) AR(k) structure, or d) general Bayesian regression. In the last case, new regressors need to be provided for prediction.


## S3 method for class 'svdraws'
predict(object, steps = 1L, newdata = NULL, ...)



svdraws or svldraws object.


optional single number, coercible to integer. Denotes the number of steps to forecast.


only in case d) of the description corresponds to input parameter designmatrix in svsample. A matrix of regressors with number of rows equal to parameter steps.


currently ignored.


Returns an object of class svpredict, a list containing three elements:


mcmc.list object of simulations from the predictive density of the standard deviations sd_(n+1),...,sd_(n+steps)


mcmc.list object of simulations from the predictive density of h_(n+1),...,h_(n+steps)


mcmc.list object of simulations from the predictive density of y_(n+1),...,y_(n+steps)


You can use the resulting object within plot.svdraws (see example below), or use the list items in the usual coda methods for mcmc objects to print, plot, or summarize the predictions.

See Also

plot.svdraws, volplot.


# Example 1
## Simulate a short and highly persistent SV process 
sim <- svsim(100, mu = -10, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.2)

## Obtain 5000 draws from the sampler (that's not a lot)
draws <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 5000, burnin = 100,
  priormu = c(-10, 1), priorphi = c(20, 1.5), priorsigma = 0.2)

## Predict 10 days ahead
fore <- predict(draws, 10)

## Check out the results
plot(draws, forecast = fore)

# Example 2
## Simulate now an SV process with an AR(1) mean structure
len <- 109L
simar <- svsim(len, phi = 0.93, sigma = 0.15, mu = -9)
for (i in 2:len) {
  simar$y[i] <- 0.1 - 0.7 * simar$y[i-1] + simar$vol[i] * rnorm(1)

## Obtain 7000 draws
drawsar <- svsample(simar$y, draws = 7000, burnin = 300,
  designmatrix = "ar1", priormu = c(-10, 1), priorphi = c(20, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 0.2)

## Predict 7 days ahead (using AR(1) mean for the returns)
forear <- predict(drawsar, 7)

## Check out the results
plot(drawsar, forecast = forear)

## Not run: 
# Example 3
## Simulate now an SV process with leverage and with non-zero mean
len <- 96L
regressors <- cbind(rep_len(1, len), rgamma(len, 0.5, 0.25))
betas <- rbind(-1.1, 2)
simreg <- svsim(len, rho = -0.42)
simreg$y <- simreg$y + as.numeric(regressors %*% betas)

## Obtain 12000 draws
drawsreg <- svsample(simreg$y, draws = 12000, burnin = 3000,
  designmatrix = regressors, priormu = c(-10, 1), priorphi = c(20, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 0.2, priorrho = c(4, 4))

## Predict 5 days ahead using new regressors
predlen <- 5L
predregressors <- cbind(rep_len(1, predlen), rgamma(predlen, 0.5, 0.25))
forereg <- predict(drawsreg, predlen, predregressors)

## Check out the results
plot(drawsreg, forecast = forereg)

## End(Not run)

Specify Prior Distributions for SV Models


This function gives access to a larger set of prior distributions in case the default choice is unsatisfactory.


  mu = sv_normal(mean = 0, sd = 100),
  phi = sv_beta(shape1 = 5, shape2 = 1.5),
  sigma2 = sv_gamma(shape = 0.5, rate = 0.5),
  nu = sv_infinity(),
  rho = sv_constant(0),
  latent0_variance = "stationary",
  beta = sv_multinormal(mean = 0, sd = 10000, dim = 1)



one of sv_normal or sv_constant


one of sv_beta, sv_normal, or sv_constant. If sv_beta, then the specified beta distribution is the prior for (phi+1)/2


one of sv_gamma, sv_inverse_gamma, or sv_constant


one of sv_infinity, sv_exponential, or sv_constant. If sv_exponential, then the specified exponential distribution is the prior for nu-2


one of sv_beta or sv_constant. If sv_beta, then the specified beta distribution is the prior for (rho+1)/2


either the character string "stationary" or an sv_constant object. If "stationary", then h0 ~ N(mu, sigma^2/(1-phi^2)). If an sv_constant object with value v, then h0 ~ N(mu, sigma^2/v). Here, N(b, B) stands for mean b and variance B


an sv_multinormal object

See Also

Other priors: sv_constant()

Prior Distributions in stochvol


The functions below can be supplied to specify_priors to overwrite the default set of prior distributions in svsample. The functions have mean, range, density, and print methods.



sv_normal(mean = 0, sd = 1)

sv_multinormal(mean = 0, precision = NULL, sd = 1, dim = NA)

sv_gamma(shape, rate)

sv_inverse_gamma(shape, scale)

sv_beta(shape1, shape2)





The constant value for the degenerate constant distribution


Expected value for the univariate normal distribution or mean vector of the multivariate normal distribution


Standard deviation for the univariate normal distribution or constant scale of the multivariate normal distribution


Precision matrix for the multivariate normal distribution


(optional) Dimension of the multivariate distribution


Shape parameter for the distribution


Rate parameter for the distribution


Scale parameter for the distribution


First shape parameter for the distribution


Second shape parameter for the distribution

Multivariate Normal

Multivariate normal objects can be specified several ways. The most general way is by calling sv_multinormal(mean, precision), which allows for arbitrary mean and (valid) precision arguments. Constant mean vectors and constant diagonal precision matrices of dimension D can be created two ways: either sv_multinormal(mean, sd, dim = D) or rep(sv_normal(mean, sd), length.out = D).

See Also

Other priors: specify_priors()

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Sampling for the Stochastic Volatility (SV) Model


svlm is a wrapper around svsample with a formula interface. The name derives from SV and lm because a linear model with SV residuals is fitted. The function simulates from the joint posterior distribution of the regression coefficients and the SV parameters mu, phi, sigma (and potentially nu and rho), along with the latent log-volatilities h_0,...,h_n and returns the MCMC draws.


  draws = 10000,
  burnin = 1000,
  heavytails = FALSE,
  asymmetry = FALSE,
  priorspec = NULL,
  thin = 1,
  keeptime = "all",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startpara = NULL,
  startlatent = NULL,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,
  n_chains = 1L,
  print_progress = "automatic",
  expert = NULL,



an object of class "formula", as in lm.


an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which svlm is called.


single number greater or equal to 1, indicating the number of draws after burn-in (see below). Will be automatically coerced to integer. The default value is 10000.


single number greater or equal to 0, indicating the number of draws discarded as burn-in. Will be automatically coerced to integer. The default value is 1000.


if TRUE, then the residuals of the linear model will follow a t-distribution conditional on the latent volatility process. This model is usually called SV-t. If priorspec is given, then heavytails is ignored.


if TRUE, then the residuals of the linear model will follow an SV process with leverage. If priorspec is given, then heavytails is ignored.


using the smart constructor specify_priors, one can set the details of the prior distribution.


single number greater or equal to 1, coercible to integer. Every thinparath parameter and latent draw is kept and returned. The default value is 1, corresponding to no thinning of the parameter draws i.e. every draw is stored.


Either 'all' (the default) or 'last'. Indicates which latent volatility draws should be stored.


logical value indicating whether the progress bar and other informative output during sampling should be omitted. The default value is FALSE, implying verbose output.


optional named list, containing the starting values for the parameter draws. If supplied, startpara may contain elements named mu, phi, sigma, nu, rho, beta, and latent0. The default value is equal to the prior mean. In case of parallel execution with cl provided, startpara can be a list of named lists that initialize the parallel chains.


optional vector of length length(y), containing the starting values for the latent log-volatility draws. The default value is rep(-10, length(y)). In case of parallel execution with cl provided, startlatent can be a list of named lists that initialize the parallel chains.


optional one of "no" (default), "multicore", or "snow", indicating what type of parallellism is to be applied. Option "multicore" is not available on Windows.


optional positive integer, the number of CPUs to be used in case of parallel computations. Defaults to 1L. Ignored if parameter cl is supplied and parallel != "snow".


optional so-called SNOW cluster object as implemented in package parallel. Ignored unless parallel == "snow".


optional positive integer specifying the number of independent MCMC chains


optional one of "automatic", "progressbar", or "iteration", controls the output. Ignored if quiet is TRUE.


optional named list of expert parameters. For most applications, the default values probably work best. Interested users are referred to the literature provided in the References section. If expert is provided, it may contain the following named elements:


Logical value. If TRUE (the default), then ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS) is applied to improve on the sampling efficiency for the parameters. Otherwise one parameterization is used.


Logical value. If FALSE (the default), then auxiliary mixture sampling is used to sample the latent states. If TRUE, extra computations are made to correct for model misspecification either ex-post by reweighting or on-line using a Metropolis-Hastings step.


Any extra arguments will be forwarded to updatesummary, controlling the type of statistics calculated for the posterior draws.


For details concerning the algorithm please see the paper by Kastner and Frühwirth-Schnatter (2014) and Hosszejni and Kastner (2019).


The value returned is a list object of class svdraws holding


mcmc.list object containing the parameter draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc.list object containing the latent instantaneous log-volatility draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc.list object containing the latent initial log-volatility draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc.list object containing the latent variance inflation factors for the sampler with conditional t-innovations (optional).


mcmc.list object containing the regression coefficient draws from the posterior distribution (optional).


the left hand side of the observation equation, usually the argument y. In case of an AR(k) specification, the first k elements are removed.


proc_time object containing the run time of the sampler.


a priorspec object containing the parameter values of the prior distributions for mu, phi, sigma, nu, rho, and betas, and the variance of specification for latent0.


list containing the thinning parameters, i.e. the arguments thinpara, thinlatent and keeptime.


list containing a collection of summary statistics of the posterior draws for para, latent, and latent0.


character containing information about how designmatrix was employed.


a flag for the use of svlm


helper object that represents the formula


argument formula


helper object that is needed to interpret the formula

To display the output, use print, summary and plot. The print method simply prints the posterior draws (which is very likely a lot of output); the summary method displays the summary statistics currently stored in the object; the plot method plot.svdraws gives a graphical overview of the posterior distribution by calling volplot, traceplot and densplot and displaying the results on a single page.


Kastner, G. and Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. (2014). Ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS) for boosting MCMC estimation of stochastic volatility models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 76, 408–423, doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.01.002.

Hosszejni, D. and Kastner, G. (2019). Approaches Toward the Bayesian Estimation of the Stochastic Volatility Model with Leverage. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 296, 75–83, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30611-3_8.

See Also

svsample, svsim, specify_priors


# Simulate data
n <- 50L
dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, 3, 4),
                  z = runif(n, -1, -0.5))
designmatrix <- matrix(c(dat$x, dat$x^2, log10(dat$x),
                         dat$z), ncol = 4)
betas <- matrix(c(-1, 1, 2, 0), ncol = 1)
y <- designmatrix %*% betas + svsim(n)$y
dat$y <- y
# Formula interface
res <- svlm(y ~ 0 + x + I(x^2) + log10(x) + z, data = dat)
# Prediction
predn <- 10L
preddat <- data.frame(x = runif(predn, 3, 4),
                      z = runif(predn, -1, -0.5))
pred <- predict(res, newdata = preddat, steps = predn)

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Sampling for the Stochastic Volatility (SV) Model


svsample simulates from the joint posterior distribution of the SV parameters mu, phi, sigma (and potentially nu and rho), along with the latent log-volatilities h_0,...,h_n and returns the MCMC draws. If a design matrix is provided, simple Bayesian regression can also be conducted. For similar functionality with a formula interface, see svlm.


  draws = 10000,
  burnin = 1000,
  designmatrix = NA,
  priormu = c(0, 100),
  priorphi = c(5, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 1,
  priornu = 0,
  priorrho = NA,
  priorbeta = c(0, 10000),
  priorlatent0 = "stationary",
  priorspec = NULL,
  thin = 1,
  thinpara = thin,
  thinlatent = thin,
  keeptime = "all",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startpara = NULL,
  startlatent = NULL,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,
  n_chains = 1L,
  print_progress = "automatic",
  expert = NULL,

  draws = 10000,
  burnin = 1000,
  designmatrix = NA,
  priormu = c(0, 100),
  priorphi = c(5, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 1,
  priornu = 0.1,
  priorrho = NA,
  priorbeta = c(0, 10000),
  priorlatent0 = "stationary",
  priorspec = NULL,
  thin = 1,
  thinpara = thin,
  thinlatent = thin,
  keeptime = "all",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startpara = NULL,
  startlatent = NULL,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,
  n_chains = 1L,
  print_progress = "automatic",
  expert = NULL,

  draws = 20000,
  burnin = 2000,
  designmatrix = NA,
  priormu = c(0, 100),
  priorphi = c(5, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 1,
  priornu = 0,
  priorrho = c(4, 4),
  priorbeta = c(0, 10000),
  priorlatent0 = "stationary",
  priorspec = NULL,
  thin = 1,
  thinpara = thin,
  thinlatent = thin,
  keeptime = "all",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startpara = NULL,
  startlatent = NULL,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,
  n_chains = 1L,
  print_progress = "automatic",
  expert = NULL,

  draws = 20000,
  burnin = 2000,
  designmatrix = NA,
  priormu = c(0, 100),
  priorphi = c(5, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 1,
  priornu = 0.1,
  priorrho = c(4, 4),
  priorbeta = c(0, 10000),
  priorlatent0 = "stationary",
  priorspec = NULL,
  thin = 1,
  thinpara = thin,
  thinlatent = thin,
  keeptime = "all",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startpara = NULL,
  startlatent = NULL,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,
  n_chains = 1L,
  print_progress = "automatic",
  expert = NULL,

  draws = 10000,
  burnin = 1000,
  designmatrix = NA,
  priormu = c(0, 100),
  priorphi = c(5, 1.5),
  priorsigma = 1,
  priornu = 0,
  priorrho = NA,
  priorbeta = c(0, 10000),
  priorlatent0 = "stationary",
  thinpara = 1,
  thinlatent = 1,
  keeptime = "all",
  quiet = FALSE,
  startpara = NULL,
  startlatent = NULL



numeric vector containing the data (usually log-returns), which must not contain zeros. Alternatively, y can be an svsim object. In this case, the returns will be extracted and a message is signalled.


single number greater or equal to 1, indicating the number of draws after burn-in (see below). Will be automatically coerced to integer. The default value is 10000.


single number greater or equal to 0, indicating the number of draws discarded as burn-in. Will be automatically coerced to integer. The default value is 1000.


regression design matrix for modeling the mean. Must have length(y) rows. Alternatively, designmatrix may be a string of the form "arX", where X is a nonnegative integer. To fit a constant mean model, use designmatrix = "ar0" (which is equivalent to designmatrix = matrix(1, nrow = length(y))). To fit an AR(1) model, use designmatrix = "ar1", and so on. If some elements of designmatrix are NA, the mean is fixed to zero (pre-1.2.0 behavior of stochvol).


numeric vector of length 2, indicating mean and standard deviation for the Gaussian prior distribution of the parameter mu, the level of the log-volatility. The default value is c(0, 100), which constitutes a practically uninformative prior for common exchange rate datasets, stock returns and the like.


numeric vector of length 2, indicating the shape parameters for the Beta prior distribution of the transformed parameter (phi + 1) / 2, where phi denotes the persistence of the log-volatility. The default value is c(5, 1.5), which constitutes a prior that puts some belief in a persistent log-volatility but also encompasses the region where phi is around 0.


single positive real number, which stands for the scaling of the transformed parameter sigma^2, where sigma denotes the volatility of log-volatility. More precisely, sigma^2 ~ priorsigma * chisq(df = 1). The default value is 1, which constitutes a reasonably vague prior for many common exchange rate datasets, stock returns and the like.


single non-negative number, indicating the rate parameter for the exponential prior distribution of the parameter; can be Inf nu, the degrees-of-freedom parameter of the conditional innovations t-distribution. The default value is 0, fixing the degrees-of-freedom to infinity. This corresponds to conditional standard normal innovations, the pre-1.1.0 behavior of stochvol.


either NA for the no-leverage case or a numeric vector of length 2 that specify the beta prior distribution for (rho+1)/2


numeric vector of length 2, indicating the mean and standard deviation of the Gaussian prior for the regression parameters. The default value is c(0, 10000), which constitutes a very vague prior for many common datasets. Not used if designmatrix is NA.


either a single non-negative number or the string 'stationary' (the default, also the behavior before version 1.3.0). When priorlatent0 is equal to 'stationary', the stationary distribution of the latent AR(1)-process is used as the prior for the initial log-volatility h_0. When priorlatent0 is equal to a number BB, we have h0N(μ,Bσ2)h_0 \sim N(\mu, B\sigma^2) a priori.


in case one needs different prior distributions than the ones specified by priormu, ..., priorrho, a priorspec object can be supplied here. A smart constructor for this usecase is specify_priors.


single number greater or equal to 1, coercible to integer. Every thinparath parameter and latent draw is kept and returned. The default value is 1, corresponding to no thinning of the parameter draws i.e. every draw is stored.


single number greater or equal to 1, coercible to integer. Every thinparath parameter draw is kept and returned. The default value is thin.


single number greater or equal to 1, coercible to integer. Every thinlatentth latent variable draw is kept and returned. The default value is thin


Either 'all' (the default) or 'last'. Indicates which latent volatility draws should be stored.


logical value indicating whether the progress bar and other informative output during sampling should be omitted. The default value is FALSE, implying verbose output.


optional named list, containing the starting values for the parameter draws. If supplied, startpara may contain elements named mu, phi, sigma, nu, rho, beta, and latent0. The default value is equal to the prior mean. In case of parallel execution with cl provided, startpara can be a list of named lists that initialize the parallel chains.


optional vector of length length(y), containing the starting values for the latent log-volatility draws. The default value is rep(-10, length(y)). In case of parallel execution with cl provided, startlatent can be a list of numeric vectors that initialize the parallel chains.


optional one of "no" (default), "multicore", or "snow", indicating what type of parallellism is to be applied. Option "multicore" is not available on Windows.


optional positive integer, the number of CPUs to be used in case of parallel computations. Defaults to 1L. Ignored if parameter cl is supplied and parallel != "snow".


optional so-called SNOW cluster object as implemented in package parallel. Ignored unless parallel == "snow".


optional positive integer specifying the number of independent MCMC chains


optional one of "automatic", "progressbar", or "iteration", controls the output. Ignored if quiet is TRUE.


optional named list of expert parameters. For most applications, the default values probably work best. Interested users are referred to the literature provided in the References section. If expert is provided, it may contain the following named elements:


Logical value. If TRUE (the default), then ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS) is applied to improve on the sampling efficiency for the parameters. Otherwise one parameterization is used.


Logical value. If FALSE (the default), then auxiliary mixture sampling is used to sample the latent states. If TRUE, extra computations are made to correct for model misspecification either ex-post by reweighting or on-line using a Metropolis-Hastings step.


Any extra arguments will be forwarded to updatesummary, controlling the type of statistics calculated for the posterior draws.


Functions svtsample, svlsample, and svtlsample are wrappers around svsample with convenient default values for the SV model with t-errors, leverage, and both t-errors and leverage, respectively.

For details concerning the algorithm please see the paper by Kastner and Frühwirth-Schnatter (2014) and Hosszejni and Kastner (2019).


The value returned is a list object of class svdraws holding


mcmc.list object containing the parameter draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc.list object containing the latent instantaneous log-volatility draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc.list object containing the latent initial log-volatility draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc.list object containing the latent variance inflation factors for the sampler with conditional t-innovations (optional).


mcmc.list object containing the regression coefficient draws from the posterior distribution (optional).


the left hand side of the observation equation, usually the argument y. In case of an AR(k) specification, the first k elements are removed.


proc_time object containing the run time of the sampler.


a priorspec object containing the parameter values of the prior distributions for mu, phi, sigma, nu, rho, and betas, and the variance of specification for latent0.


list containing the thinning parameters, i.e. the arguments thinpara, thinlatent and keeptime.


list containing a collection of summary statistics of the posterior draws for para, latent, and latent0.


character containing information about how designmatrix was employed.

To display the output, use print, summary and plot. The print method simply prints the posterior draws (which is very likely a lot of output); the summary method displays the summary statistics currently stored in the object; the plot method plot.svdraws gives a graphical overview of the posterior distribution by calling volplot, traceplot and densplot and displaying the results on a single page.


If y contains zeros, you might want to consider de-meaning your returns or use designmatrix = "ar0".

svsample2 is deprecated.


Kastner, G. and Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. (2014). Ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS) for boosting MCMC estimation of stochastic volatility models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 76, 408–423, doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.01.002.

Hosszejni, D. and Kastner, G. (2019). Approaches Toward the Bayesian Estimation of the Stochastic Volatility Model with Leverage. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 296, 75–83, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30611-3_8.

See Also

svlm, svsim, specify_priors


# Full examples

# Example 1
## Simulate a short and highly persistent SV process 
sim <- svsim(100, mu = -10, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.2)

## Obtain 5000 draws from the sampler (that's not a lot)
draws <-
  svsample(sim, draws = 5000, burnin = 100,
           priormu = c(-10, 1), priorphi = c(20, 1.5), priorsigma = 0.2)

## Check out the results

# Example 2
## Simulate an asymmetric and conditionally heavy-tailed SV process
sim <- svsim(150, mu = -10, phi = 0.96, sigma = 0.3, nu = 10, rho = -0.3)

## Obtain 10000 draws from the sampler
## Use more advanced prior settings
## Run two parallel MCMC chains
advanced_draws <-
  svsample(sim, draws = 10000, burnin = 5000,
           priorspec = specify_priors(mu = sv_normal(-10, 1),
                                      sigma2 = sv_gamma(0.5, 2),
                                      rho = sv_beta(4, 4),
                                      nu = sv_constant(5)),
           parallel = "snow", n_chains = 2, n_cpus = 2)

## Check out the results

# Example 3
## AR(1) structure for the mean
len <- 3000
ahead <- 100
y <- head(exrates$USD, len)

## Fit AR(1)-SVL model to EUR-USD exchange rates
res <- svsample(y, designmatrix = "ar1")

## Use predict.svdraws to obtain predictive distributions
preddraws <- predict(res, steps = ahead)

## Calculate predictive quantiles
predquants <- apply(predy(preddraws), 2, quantile, c(.1, .5, .9))

## Visualize
expost <- tail(head(exrates$USD, len+ahead), ahead)
ts.plot(y, xlim = c(length(y)-4*ahead, length(y)+ahead),
	       ylim = range(c(predquants, expost, tail(y, 4*ahead))))
for (i in 1:3) {
  lines((length(y)+1):(length(y)+ahead), predquants[i,],
        col = 3, lty = c(2, 1, 2)[i])
lines((length(y)+1):(length(y)+ahead), expost,
      col = 2)

# Example 4
## Predicting USD based on JPY and GBP in the mean
len <- 3000
ahead <- 30
## Calculate log-returns
logreturns <- apply(exrates[, c("USD", "JPY", "GBP")], 2,
                    function (x) diff(log(x)))
logretUSD <- logreturns[2:(len+1), "USD"]
regressors <- cbind(1, as.matrix(logreturns[1:len, ]))  # lagged by 1 day

## Fit SV model to EUR-USD exchange rates
res <- svsample(logretUSD, designmatrix = regressors)

## Use predict.svdraws to obtain predictive distributions
predregressors <- cbind(1, as.matrix(logreturns[(len+1):(len+ahead), ]))
preddraws <- predict(res, steps = ahead,
                     newdata = predregressors)
predprice <- exrates[len+2, "USD"] * exp(t(apply(predy(preddraws), 1, cumsum)))

## Calculate predictive quantiles
predquants <- apply(predprice, 2, quantile, c(.1, .5, .9))

## Visualize
priceUSD <- exrates[3:(len+2), "USD"]
expost <- exrates[(len+3):(len+ahead+2), "USD"]
ts.plot(priceUSD, xlim = c(len-4*ahead, len+ahead+1),
	       ylim = range(c(expost, predquants, tail(priceUSD, 4*ahead))))
for (i in 1:3) {
  lines(len:(len+ahead), c(tail(priceUSD, 1), predquants[i,]),
        col = 3, lty = c(2, 1, 2)[i])
lines(len:(len+ahead), c(tail(priceUSD, 1), expost),
      col = 2)

# Further short examples

y <- svsim(50, nu = 10, rho = -0.1)$y

# Supply initial values
res <- svsample(y,
                startpara = list(mu = -10, sigma = 1))

# Supply initial values for parallel chains
res <- svsample(y,
                startpara = list(list(mu = -10, sigma = 1),
                                 list(mu = -11, sigma = .1, phi = 0.9),
                                 list(mu = -9, sigma = .3, phi = 0.7)),
                parallel = "snow", n_chains = 3, n_cpus = 2)

# Parallel chains with with a pre-defined cluster object
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2, "PSOCK", outfile = NULL)  # print to console
res <- svsample(y,
                parallel = "snow", n_chains = 3, cl = cl)

# Turn on correction for model misspecification
## Since the approximate model is fast and it is working very
##   well in practice, this is turned off by default
res <- svsample(y,
                expert = list(correct_model_misspecification = TRUE))

## Not run: 
# Parallel multicore chains (not available on Windows)
res <- svsample(y, draws = 30000, burnin = 10000,
                parallel = "multicore", n_chains = 3, n_cpus = 2)

# Plot using a color palette
palette(rainbow(coda::nchain(para(res, "all"))))

# Use functionality from package 'coda'
## E.g. Geweke's convergence diagnostics
coda::geweke.diag(para(res, "all")[, c("mu", "phi", "sigma")])

# Use functionality from package 'bayesplot'
bayesplot::mcmc_pairs(res, pars = c("sigma", "mu", "phi", "h_0", "h_15"))

## End(Not run)

Bindings to C++ Functions in stochvol


All the heavy lifting in stochvol is implemented in C++ with the help of R packages Rcpp and RcppArmadillo. These functions call the MCMC samplers in C++ directly without any any validation and transformations, expert use only!


  draws = 1,
  burnin = 0,
  designmatrix = matrix(NA),
  priorspec = specify_priors(),
  thinpara = 1,
  thinlatent = 1,
  keeptime = "all",
  keeptau = !inherits(priorspec$nu, "sv_infinity"),
  print_settings = list(quiet = TRUE, n_chains = 1, chain = 1),
  correct_model_misspecification = FALSE,
  interweave = TRUE,
  myoffset = 0,
  fast_sv = get_default_fast_sv()

  draws = 1,
  burnin = 0,
  designmatrix = matrix(NA),
  priorspec = specify_priors(),
  thinpara = 1,
  thinlatent = 1,
  keeptime = "all",
  keeptau = !inherits(priorspec$nu, "sv_infinity"),
  print_settings = list(quiet = TRUE, n_chains = 1, chain = 1),
  correct_model_misspecification = FALSE,
  interweave = TRUE,
  myoffset = 0,
  general_sv = get_default_general_sv(priorspec)



numeric vector of the observations


single positive integer, the number of draws to return (after the burn-in)


single positive integer, length of warm-up period, this number of draws are discarded from the beginning


numeric matrix of covariates. Dimensions: length(y) times the number of covariates. If there are no covariates then this should be matrix(NA)


a priorspec object created by specify_priors


single number greater or equal to 1, coercible to integer. Every thinparath parameter draw is kept and returned. The default value is 1, corresponding to no thinning of the parameter draws i.e. every draw is stored.


single number greater or equal to 1, coercible to integer. Every thinlatentth latent variable draw is kept and returned. The default value is 1, corresponding to no thinning of the latent variable draws, i.e. every draw is kept.


Either 'all' (the default) or 'last'. Indicates which latent volatility draws should be stored.


named list, containing the starting values for the parameter draws. It must contain elements

  • mu: an arbitrary numerical value

  • phi: real number between -1 and 1

  • sigma: a positive real number

  • nu: a number larger than 2; can be Inf

  • rho: real number between -1 and 1

  • beta: a numeric vector of the same length as the number of covariates

  • latent0: a single number, the initial value for h0


vector of length length(y), containing the starting values for the latent log-volatility draws.


Logical value indicating whether the 'variance inflation factors' should be stored (used for the sampler with conditional t innovations only). This may be useful to check at what point(s) in time the normal disturbance had to be 'upscaled' by a mixture factor and when the series behaved 'normally'.


List of three elements:

  • quiet: logical value indicating whether the progress bar and other informative output during sampling should be omitted

  • n_chains: number of independent MCMC chains

  • chain: index of this chain

Please note that this function does not run multiple independent chains but svsample offers different printing functionality depending on whether it is executed as part of several MCMC chains in parallel (chain specific messages) or simply as a single chain (progress bar).


Logical value. If FALSE, then auxiliary mixture sampling is used to sample the latent states. If TRUE, extra computations are made to correct for model misspecification either ex-post by reweighting or on-line using a Metropolis-Hastings step.


Logical value. If TRUE, then ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS) is applied to improve on the sampling efficiency for the parameters. Otherwise one parameterization is used.


Single non-negative number that is used in log(y^2 + myoffset) to prevent -Inf values in the auxiliary mixture sampling scheme.


named list of expert settings. We recommend the use of get_default_fast_sv.


named list of expert settings. We recommend the use of get_default_general_sv.


The sampling functions are separated into fast SV and general SV. See more details in the sections below.

Fast SV

Fast SV was developed in Kastner and Fruehwirth-Schnatter (2014). Fast SV estimates an approximate SV model without leverage, where the approximation comes in through auxiliary mixture approximations to the exact SV model. The sampler uses the ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS) to improve on the sampling efficiency of the model parameters, and it employs all-without-a-loop (AWOL) for computationally efficient Kalman filtering of the conditionally Gaussian state space. Correction for model misspecification happens as a post-processing step.

Fast SV employs sampling strategies that have been fine-tuned and specified for vanilla SV (no leverage), and hence it can be fast and efficient but also more limited in its feature set. The conditions for the fast SV sampler: rho == 0; mu has either a normal prior or it is also constant 0; the prior for phi is a beta distribution; the prior for sigma^2 is either a gamma distribution with shape 0.5 or a mean- and variance-matched inverse gamma distribution; either keeptime == 'all' or correct_model_misspecification == FALSE. These criteria are NOT VALIDATED by fast SV on the C++ level!

General SV

General SV also estimates an approximate SV model without leverage, where the approximation comes in through auxiliary mixture approximations to the exact SV model. The sampler uses both ASIS and AWOL.

General SV employs adapted random walk Metropolis-Hastings as the proposal for the parameters mu, phi, sigma, and rho. Therefore, more general prior distributions are allowed in this case.


# Draw one sample using fast SV and general SV
y <- svsim(40)$y
params <- list(mu = -10, phi = 0.9, sigma = 0.1,
               nu = Inf, rho = 0, beta = NA,
               latent0 = -10)
res_fast <- svsample_fast_cpp(y,
  startpara = params, startlatent = rep(-10, 40))
res_gen <- svsample_general_cpp(y,
  startpara = params, startlatent = rep(-10, 40))

# Embed SV in another sampling scheme
## vanilla SV
len <- 40L
draws <- 1000L
burnin <- 200L
param_store <- matrix(NA, draws, 3,
                      dimnames = list(NULL,
                                      c("mu", "phi", "sigma")))
startpara <- list(mu = 0, phi = 0.9, sigma = 0.1,
                  nu = Inf, rho = 0, beta = NA,
                  latent0 = 0)
startlatent <- rep(0, len)
for (i in seq_len(burnin+draws)) {
  # draw the data in the bigger sampling scheme
  # now we simulate y from vanilla SV
  y <- svsim(len, mu = 0, phi = 0.9, sigma = 0.1)$y
  # call SV sampler
  res <- svsample_fast_cpp(y, startpara = startpara,
                           startlatent = startlatent)
  # administrate values
  startpara[c("mu","phi","sigma")] <-
    as.list(res$para[, c("mu", "phi", "sigma")])
  startlatent <- drop(res$latent)
  # store draws after the burnin
  if (i > burnin) {
    param_store[i-burnin, ] <-
      res$para[, c("mu", "phi", "sigma")]
### quick look at the traceplots
ts.plot(param_store, col = 1:3)

Rolling Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models


svsample_roll performs rolling window estimation based on svsample. A convenience function for backtesting purposes.


  designmatrix = NA,
  n_ahead = 1,
  forecast_length = 500,
  n_start = NULL,
  refit_every = 1,
  refit_window = c("moving", "expanding"),
  calculate_quantile = c(0.01),
  calculate_predictive_likelihood = TRUE,
  keep_draws = FALSE,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,

  designmatrix = NA,
  n_ahead = 1,
  forecast_length = 500,
  n_start = NULL,
  refit_every = 1,
  refit_window = c("moving", "expanding"),
  calculate_quantile = c(0.01),
  calculate_predictive_likelihood = TRUE,
  keep_draws = FALSE,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,

  designmatrix = NA,
  n_ahead = 1,
  forecast_length = 500,
  n_start = NULL,
  refit_every = 1,
  refit_window = c("moving", "expanding"),
  calculate_quantile = c(0.01),
  calculate_predictive_likelihood = TRUE,
  keep_draws = FALSE,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,

  designmatrix = NA,
  n_ahead = 1,
  forecast_length = 500,
  n_start = NULL,
  refit_every = 1,
  refit_window = c("moving", "expanding"),
  calculate_quantile = c(0.01),
  calculate_predictive_likelihood = TRUE,
  keep_draws = FALSE,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1L,
  cl = NULL,



numeric vector containing the data (usually log-returns), which must not contain zeros. Alternatively, y can be an svsim object. In this case, the returns will be extracted and a message is signalled.


regression design matrix for modeling the mean. Must have length(y) rows. Alternatively, designmatrix may be a string of the form "arX", where X is a nonnegative integer. To fit a constant mean model, use designmatrix = "ar0" (which is equivalent to designmatrix = matrix(1, nrow = length(y))). To fit an AR(1) model, use designmatrix = "ar1", and so on. If some elements of designmatrix are NA, the mean is fixed to zero (pre-1.2.0 behavior of stochvol).


number of time steps to predict from each time window.


the time horizon at the end of the data set that is used for backtesting.


optional the starting time point for backtesting. Computed from forecast_length if omitted.


the SV model is refit every refit_every time steps. Only the value 1 is allowed.


one of "moving" or "expanding". If "expanding", then the start of the time window stays at the beginning of the data set. If "moving", then the length of the time window is constant throughout backtesting.


vector of numbers between 0 and 1. These quantiles are predicted using predict.svdraws for each time window.


boolean. If TRUE, the n_ahead predictive density is evaluated at the n_ahead time observation after each time window.


boolean. If TRUE, the svdraws and the svpredict objects are kept from each time window.


one of "no" (default), "multicore", or "snow", indicating what type of parallellism is to be applied. Option "multicore" is not available on Windows.


optional positive integer, the number of CPUs to be used in case of parallel computations. Defaults to 1L. Ignored if parameter cl is supplied and parallel != "snow".


optional so-called SNOW cluster object as implemented in package parallel. Ignored unless parallel == "snow".


Any extra arguments will be forwarded to svsample, controlling the prior setup, the starting values for the MCMC chains, the number of independent MCMC chains, thinning and other expert settings.


Functions svtsample_roll, svlsample_roll, and svtlsample_roll are wrappers around svsample_roll with convenient default values for the SV model with t-errors, leverage, and both t-errors and leverage, respectively.


The value returned is a list object of class svdraws_roll holding a list item for every time window. The elements of these list items are


a list object containing two elements: train is the vector of indices used for fitting the model, and test is the vector of indices used for prediction. The latter is mainly useful if a designmatrix is provided.


the input parameter calculate_quantiles.


the input parameter refit_every.


present only if calculate_predictive_likelihood is TRUE. Then it is a number, the expected predictive density of the observation. The expecation is taken over the joint n_ahead predictive distribution of all model parameters.


present only if calculate_quantile is a non-empty vector. Then it is a vector of quantiles from the n_ahead predictive distribution of y. It is based on MCMC simulation by using predict.


present only if keep_draws is TRUE. Then it is an svdraws object as returned by svsample.


present only if keep_draws is TRUE. Then it is an svpredict object as returned by predict.svdraws.

To display the output, use print and summary. The print method simply prints a short summary of the setup; the summary method displays the summary statistics of the backtesting.


The function executes svsample (length(y) - arorder - n_ahead - n_start + 2) %/% refit_every times.

See Also

svsim, specify_priors, svsample


# Simulate from the true model
sim <- svsim(200)

# Perform rolling estimation using the vanilla SV
# model and default priors
roll <- svsample_roll(sim, draws = 5000, burnin = 2000,
                      keep_draws = TRUE,
                      forecast_length = 10,
                      n_ahead = 1, refit_every = 1,
                      refit_window = "moving",
                      calculate_predictive_likelihood = TRUE,
                      calculate_quantile = c(0.01, 0.05))

# Perform rolling estimation by making use
# of two CPU cores, advanced priors, and multiple
# chains with pre-set initial values. Let us combine
# that with an AR(2) specification
prior_beta <- sv_multinormal(c(1,0,-1), rbind(c(1, 0, 0.1),
                                              c(0, 0.3, -0.04),
                                              c(0.1, -0.04, 0.1)))
priorspec <- specify_priors(rho = sv_beta(4, 4),
                            latent0_variance = sv_constant(1),
                            beta = prior_beta,
                            nu = sv_exponential(0.05))
startpara <- list(list(mu = -9, phi = 0.3),
                  list(mu = -11, sigma = 0.1, phi = 0.95),
                  list(phi = 0.99))
roll <- svsample_roll(sim, draws = 5000, burnin = 2000,
                      designmatrix = "ar2",
                      priorspec = priorspec,
                      startpara = startpara,
                      parallel = "snow", n_cpus = 2,
                      n_chains = 3,
                      keep_draws = TRUE,
                      forecast_length = 10,
                      n_ahead = 1, refit_every = 1,
                      refit_window = "expanding",
                      calculate_predictive_likelihood = TRUE,
                      calculate_quantile = c(0.01, 0.05))

Simulating a Stochastic Volatility Process


svsim is used to produce realizations of a stochastic volatility (SV) process.


svsim(len, mu = -10, phi = 0.98, sigma = 0.2, nu = Inf, rho = 0)



length of the simulated time series.


level of the latent log-volatility AR(1) process. The defaults value is -10.


persistence of the latent log-volatility AR(1) process. The default value is 0.98.


volatility of the latent log-volatility AR(1) process. The default value is 0.2.


degrees-of-freedom for the conditional innovations distribution. The default value is Inf, corresponding to standard normal conditional innovations.


correlation between the observation and the increment of the log-volatility. The default value is 0, corresponding to the basic SV model with symmetric “log-returns”.


This function draws an initial log-volatility h_0 from the stationary distribution of the AR(1) process defined by phi, sigma, and mu. Then the function jointly simulates the log-volatility series h_1,...,h_n with the given AR(1) structure, and the “log-return” series y_1,...,y_n with mean 0 and standard deviation exp(h/2). Additionally, for each index i, y_i can be set to have a conditionally heavy-tailed residual (through nu) and/or to be correlated with (h_{i+1}-h_i) (through rho, the so-called leverage effect, resulting in asymmetric “log-returns”).


The output is a list object of class svsim containing


vector of length len containing the simulated data, usually interpreted as “log-returns”.


vector of length len containing the simulated instantaneous volatilities. These are eht/2e^{h_t/2} if nu == Inf, and they are eht/2τte^{h_t/2} \sqrt{\tau_t} for finite nu.


The initial volatility exp(h_0/2), drawn from the stationary distribution of the latent AR(1) process.


a named list with five elements mu, phi, sigma, nu, and rho, containing the corresponding arguments.


vector of the latent state space hth_t for t>0t > 0.


initial element of the latent state space h0h_0.


vector of length len containing the simulated auxiliary variables for the Student-t residuals when nu is finite. More precisely, τtGamma1(shape=ν/2,rate=ν/21)\tau_t\sim\text{Gamma}^{-1}(\text{shape}=\nu/2, \text{rate}=\nu/2-1).


The function generates the “log-returns” by y <- exp(-h/2)*rt(h, df=nu). That means that in the case of nu < Inf the (conditional) volatility is sqrt(nu/(nu-2))*exp(h/2), and that corrected value is shown in the print, summary and plot methods.

To display the output use print, summary and plot. The print method simply prints the content of the object in a moderately formatted manner. The summary method provides some summary statistics (in %), and the plot method plots the the simulated 'log-returns' y along with the corresponding volatilities vol.


Gregor Kastner [email protected]

See Also



## Simulate a highly persistent SV process of length 500
sim <- svsim(500, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.1)


## Simulate an SV process with leverage
sim <- svsim(200, phi = 0.94, sigma = 0.15, rho = -0.6)


## Simulate an SV process with conditionally heavy-tails
sim <- svsim(250, phi = 0.91, sigma = 0.05, nu = 5)


Single MCMC Update Using Fast SV


Samples the mixture indicators, the latent variables, and the model independent parameters mu, phi, and sigma. The input is the logarithm of the squared de-meaned observations. An approximate SV model is estimated instead of the exact SV model by the use of auxiliary mixture sampling. Depending on the prior specification, mu might not be updated. Depending on the expert settings, the function might follow the ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS, Yu and Meng, 2011) for sampling mu, phi, and sigma. Furthermore, the user can turn off the sampling of the parameters, the latents, or the mixture indicators in the expert settings.


update_fast_sv(log_data2, mu, phi, sigma, h0, h, r, prior_spec, expert)



log(data^2), where data is the vector of de-meaned observations


parameter mu. Level of the latent process h. Updated in place


parameter phi, persistence of the latent process h. Updated in place


parameter sigma, volatility of the latent process h, also called volvol. Updated in place


parameter h0, the initial value of the latent process h. Updated in place


the vector of the latent process. Updated in place


the vector of the mixture indicators. Updated in place


prior specification object. See type_definitions.h


expert settings for this function. See type_definitions.h

See Also

Other stochvol_cpp: update_general_sv(), update_regressors(), update_t_error()

Single MCMC Update Using General SV


Samples the latent variables and the model independent parameters mu, phi, sigma, and rho. The observations need to be provided in different formats for efficiency. An approximate SV model is as the default posterior distribution for the latent vector; however, there is the option to correct for model misspecification through the expert settings. Depending on the prior specification, some of mu, phi, sigma, and rho might not be updated. Depending on the expert settings, the function might follow the ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving strategy (ASIS, Yu and Meng, 2011) for sampling mu, phi, sigma, and rho. Also controlled by the expert settings, Furthermore, the user can turn off the sampling of the parameters, the latents, or the mixture indicators in the expert settings.





the vector of de-meaned observations


log(data^2), where data is the vector of de-meaned observations


the sign of the data


parameter mu. Level of the latent process h. Updated in place


parameter phi, persistence of the latent process h. Updated in place


parameter sigma, volatility of the latent process h, also called volvol. Updated in place


parameter rho. Accounts for asymmetry/the leverage effect. Updated in place


parameter h0, the initial value of the latent process h. Updated in place


the vector of the latent process. Updated in place


object implementing the adaptive Metropolis-Hastings scheme. Updated in place. See adaptation.hpp


prior specification object. See type_definitions.h


expert settings for this function. See type_definitions.h

See Also

Other stochvol_cpp: update_fast_sv(), update_regressors(), update_t_error()

Single MCMC update of Bayesian linear regression


Samples the coefficients of a linear regression. The prior distribution is multivariate normal and it is specified in prior_spec.


update_regressors(dependent_variable, independent_variables, beta, prior_spec)



the left hand side


the matrix of the independent variables. Has to be of same height as the length of the dependent variable


the vector of the latent states used in MDA. Updated in place


prior specification object. See type_definitions.h

See Also

Other stochvol_cpp: update_fast_sv(), update_general_sv(), update_t_error()

Single MCMC update to Student's t-distribution


Samples the degrees of freedom parameter of standardized and homoskedastic t-distributed input variates. Marginal data augmentation (MDA) is applied, tau is the vector of auxiliary latent states. Depending on the prior specification, nu might not be updated, just tau.


  do_tau_acceptance_rejection = TRUE



de-meaned and homoskedastic observations


the vector of the latent states used in MDA. Updated in place


the vector of the conditional means // TODO update docs in R


the vector of the conditional standard deviations


parameter nu. The degrees of freedom for the t-distribution. Updated in place


prior specification object. See type_definitions.h


boolean. If TRUE, there is a correction for non-zero mean and non-unit sd, otherwise the proposal distribution is used


The function samples tau and nu from the following hierarchical model: homosked_data_i = sqrt(tau_i) * (mean_i + sd_i * N(0, 1)) tau_i ~ InvGamma(.5*nu, .5*(nu-2)) Naming: The data is homoskedastic ex ante in the model, mean_i and sd_i are conditional on some other parameter in the model. The prior on tau corresponds to a standardized t-distributed heavy tail on the data.

See Also

Other stochvol_cpp: update_fast_sv(), update_general_sv(), update_regressors()

Updating the Summary of MCMC Draws


Creates or updates a summary of an svdraws object.


  quantiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95),
  esspara = TRUE,
  esslatent = FALSE



svdraws object.


numeric vector of posterior quantiles to be computed. The default is c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95).


logical value which indicates whether the effective sample size (ESS) should be calculated for the parameter draws. This is achieved by calling effectiveSize from the coda package. The default is TRUE.


logical value which indicates whether the effective sample size (ESS) should be calculated for the latent log-volatility draws. This is achieved by calling effectiveSize from the coda package. The default is FALSE, because this can be quite time-consuming when many latent variables are present.


updatesummary will always calculate the posterior mean and the posterior standard deviation of the raw draws and some common transformations thereof. Moroever, the posterior quantiles, specified by the argument quantiles, are computed. If esspara and/or esslatent are TRUE, the corresponding effective sample size (ESS) will also be included.


The value returned is an updated list object of class svdraws holding


mcmc object containing the parameter draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc object containing the latent instantaneous log-volatility draws from the posterior distribution.


mcmc object containing the latent initial log-volatility draws from the posterior distribution.


argument y.


"proc_time" object containing the run time of the sampler.


list containing the parameter values of the prior distribution, i.e. the arguments priormu, priorphi, priorsigma (and potentially nu).


list containing the thinning parameters, i.e. the arguments thinpara, thinlatent and keeptime.


list containing a collection of summary statistics of the posterior draws for para, latent, and latent0.

To display the output, use print, summary and plot. The print method simply prints the posterior draws (which is very likely a lot of output); the summary method displays the summary statistics currently stored in the object; the plot method gives a graphical overview of the posterior distribution by calling volplot, traceplot and densplot and displaying the results on a single page.


updatesummary does not actually overwrite the object's current summary, but in fact creates a new object with an updated summary. Thus, don't forget to overwrite the old object if this is want you intend to do. See the examples below for more details.

See Also



## Here is a baby-example to illustrate the idea.
## Simulate an SV time series of length 51 with default parameters:
sim <- svsim(51)

## Draw from the posterior:
res <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 2000, priorphi = c(10, 1.5))

## Check out the results:

## Look at other quantiles and calculate ESS of latents:
newquants <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99)
res <- updatesummary(res, quantiles = newquants, esslatent = TRUE)

## See the difference?

Validate and Process Argument 'expert'


A helper function that validates the input and extends it with default values if there are missing parts for argument 'expert'.


validate_and_process_expert(expert = NULL, priorspec = specify_priors())



list, the input values for expert.


a priorspec object created by specify_priors


A list that is the input extended by default values. If the input is invalid, an error is thrown.

See Also


Plotting Quantiles of the Latent Volatilities


Displays quantiles of the posterior distribution of the volatilities over time as well as predictive distributions of future volatilities.


  forecast = 0,
  dates = NULL,
  show0 = FALSE,
  forecastlty = NULL,
  tcl = -0.4,
  mar = c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5),
  mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0),
  simobj = NULL,
  newdata = NULL,



svdraws object.


nonnegative integer or object of class svpredict, as returned by predict.svdraws. If an integer greater than 0 is provided, predict.svdraws is invoked to obtain the forecast-step-ahead prediction. The default value is 0.


vector of length ncol(x$latent), providing optional dates for labeling the x-axis. The default value is NULL; in this case, the axis will be labeled with numbers.


logical value, indicating whether the initial volatility exp(h_0/2) should be displayed. The default value is FALSE. Only available for inputs x of class svdraws.


vector of line type values (see par) used for plotting quantiles of predictive distributions. The default value NULL results in dashed lines.


The length of tick marks as a fraction of the height of a line of text. See par for details. The default value is -0.4, which results in slightly shorter tick marks than usual.


numerical vector of length 4, indicating the plot margins. See par for details. The default value is c(1.9, 1.9, 1.9, 0.5), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


numerical vector of length 3, indicating the axis and label positions. See par for details. The default value is c(2, 0.6, 0), which is slightly smaller than the R-defaults.


object of class svsim as returned by the SV simulation function svsim. If provided, “true” data generating values will be added to the plot(s).


corresponds to parameter newdata in predict.svdraws. Only if forecast is a positive integer and predict.svdraws needs a newdata object. Corresponds to input parameter designmatrix in svsample. A matrix of regressors with number of rows equal to parameter forecast.


further arguments are passed on to the invoked ts.plot function.


Called for its side effects. Returns argument x invisibly.


In case you want different quantiles to be plotted, use updatesummary on the svdraws object first. An example of doing so is given below.


Gregor Kastner [email protected]

See Also

updatesummary, predict.svdraws

Other plotting: paradensplot(), paratraceplot(), paratraceplot.svdraws(), plot.svdraws(), plot.svpredict()


## Simulate a short and highly persistent SV process
sim <- svsim(100, mu = -10, phi = 0.99, sigma = 0.2)

## Obtain 5000 draws from the sampler (that's not a lot)
draws <- svsample(sim$y, draws = 5000, burnin = 100,
		  priormu = c(-10, 1), priorphi = c(20, 1.5),
		  priorsigma = 0.2)

## Plot the latent volatilities and some forecasts
volplot(draws, forecast = 10)

## Re-plot with different quantiles
newquants <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99)
draws <- updatesummary(draws, quantiles = newquants)

volplot(draws, forecast = 10)